레이저도구와 기술 – 여러 응용들에 대한 한가지 방안

레이저는 광학 증폭이라고 하는 처리에 의해 이론적인 빛파을 내보내는 장치로 알려져있다. 이 과정은 일반적으로  빛량자라고 하는 빛 입자의 유도방출에 기초하고있다. 한편 레이저라는 말은  방사선의 자극방출에 의한 빛 증폭의수축이다. 이런 의미에서 빛은 불규칙적인 주파수의 전자기방출이지 인식할수 있는 빛에만 속하는 것이 아니다.
메이저는 레이저의 전신이엇고 그때의 레이저는 완전히 마이크로파에 기반을 두고있었다. 레이저장치는 완전히 마이크로파 에 의하여 작동되였고 라디오 주파수는 일반적으로 메이저라고 칭하고 마이크로파 레이저나 라디오 레이저라고 하지 않았다. 이때에는 레이저가 지금에 와서 낡아버린 광학메이저를 말하는것이였다.
적외선, 자외선,  X- 선 레이저 와 같은 여러가지 종류의 레이저들이 발견되었다.  이 모든  레이저들의 기능은 같지만 약간씩 차이난다. 이 레이저장치에 의해 방출된 빛은 높은 시공간적 투시성으로하여 독특한것이며 그것은 아직까지도 다른 분야의 첨단기술들이 비할수없는 지위를 차지하고 있다.
공간적 간섭에 대하여 말한다면 레이저는 여러개의 작은점들을 통해 집초된 간섭을 나르는 정밀광선을 통한 빛출력이며 이로하여 높은 열복사를 생성한다. 이 레이저광선은 먼 거리에 초점을 집중하기 위해 저발산광선으로도 방출할수 있다. 시간적간섭의 경우 광선과 호상련관된 면에서 단일주파수로 된 편광파라고 하였다. 여기서 분산원천으로 이루어 진 열 또는 다른 빛을 통해 얻어진 광선은 물체와 장소에 따라 임의로 변경될수 있는 즉시적인 증폭 및 분산특성을 가지며 이로하여 간섭이 아주 작아질수 있다.  레이자는 에너지손실 없이 거대한 거리로 방출되며 거대한 레이자측정의 가능성도 갖게 한다.
레이저는 현 세기의 가장 유명한 발견들중의 하나이며 현대 시대의 여러분야에서 이용되고 있는것을 볼수 있다. 레이저는 그를 동력으로 하는 가전제품들, 레이저 의학, 법시행, 군사작전, 엔터테인먼트 및 좋은 측정장치 등에 리용되고 있다. 레이저의 이러한 사용은 누구에게도 숨기지 않는다. 일부 기계들은 조종을 위해 레이저기술을 사용한다. 레이저 도구는 공업에 따라 다르다. 레이저가 3D수준 측량, 정렬, 카메라 3각대, 지어 경화와 무서운 질병에도 리용되는것을 볼수 있는것처럼 분야별로 다양하다.
이산화탄소 레이저는 기체레이자들중에서 9.4 ~ 10.6마이크로메터의 가장 높은 세기의 련속파를 리용한것이다. CO2레이저는 주로 여러가지 용접과 절단과 같은 여러가지 공업분야들에 이용된다.또한 CO2레이저는 귀찮은 혹이나 기타 피부병제거 치료에 좋다고 알려져 있다. 그래서 레이저의 분야는 매우 광범하며 분야마다 다양하다.


レーザーは、きょくたんなせいど  と じかんせつ や くツールです。わたしたちは ひょうげんし、たいきゅうせい として はなびし、ユーザーフレンドリーなプロフェッショナル•グレードのツールを てい きょうします。おおくの けんちくせんもんかは、レーザーツールが ただぎょうかいで きょうそうりょくを いじすると いっている。いっぱんにレーザー レベリングツールはレベリング、はいかん、きかいせいぎょ、くっさくさぎょう、造園、プールのけんせつ、けいそくひょうこう、きょりそくてい、アライメン ト、サイトプレップグレーディング、けんせつくいうち、コンクリートのへいじゅんか、じゅうたくけんちく、おおくの さまざまな サイトに しようされタ スク。CO2レーザー は、1964ねんに ベルけんきゅうじょの Kumarさんパテルによって こうあんかいはつされる さいこの 一つであったし、いまでも もっとも ゆ うような の ひとつです。CO2レーザーは、げんざい にゅうしゅ可能な さいこうの パワー、れんぞくは レーザーである. CO2レーザーは、ひんぱんにせつだん、ようせつの ための さんぎょうよう アプリケーションで しようされて います。いりょう ようとの いくつか の れいは、レーザーしゅじゅつ、ひふのさいほそう や ひふはくりされています。また、それは とくていの ひふの じょうたい を ちりょうする た めに しようする ことができる。イスラエルのけんきゅうしゃらは、ひとそしき を ようせつする ために CO2レーザーをしようして じっけんして  います。また、”でんしテープたいさく”、”レーザー きょりファインダ”、”デジタルそくていそうち” として しられて いる レーザー きょりそく てい ツール。レーザーそくていツールは また けんせつ、リフォーム、ふどうさんのようないくつかの さんぎょうで しようされます。れい まきじゃつをもつおおきぼな 部屋のため、ひとりが テープ を のばすためにまっすぐ へやをよこぎって、テープ と とうめいな ラインを ほじするために ほかのひとが ひつように なります。しかし、レー ザーそくていツールは これとおなじしごとが しかいの ちょうど ラインをもつ ひとりの オペレータによって かんりょうすることがします。レーザーそくていツールは、いくつかのかんたんな けい さんをせいさん する のうりょうくが あります。たとえば、めんせき や へやのようせきだけではなく、インペリアル と メートルの きりかえです.

Moldflow Analysis Is Essential for High-Performance Parts

One of the best ways to save time and money is conducting a moldflow analysis of your project before you build the mold—especially if it involves complex, tight-tolerance products. Some manufacturers opt for a lower-cost analysis (or even no analysis) to save money, but this is often a mistake that leads to higher costs. A thorough moldflow analysis will carefully evaluate dozens of key parameters that impact your design project, before the mold is built. This saves on prototyping and molding costs, improves quality, and reduces overall operational costs.
 Moldflow analysis is a frequently used term in the injection molding industry but is often poorly misunderstood. The process utilizes sophisticated simulation tools to predict the flow of plastic during all phases of the injection molding process, including flow, pack, and cooling—thereby identifying and eliminating potential problems that could arise during mold design or production.
Various levels of moldflow analysis software are available; selecting the right one for your project (and interpreting it correctly) is critical for success.
The most basic level simulates the fill and packing phases. This helps optimize gate location, gate sizes, balance runners, and process conditions that impact manufacturability for thermoset and thermoplastic materials. Injection pressure and temperature, heat transfer effects, and clamp force requirements can also be determined. For thick-walled parts, moldflow analysis helps identify ideal gate and weld line locations, as well as where air traps are likely to form. Other key parameters that can be evaluated are processing conditions, flow-induced shear stress, bore diameter sizing, sequential valve gauging, cavity/part temperature differential, coolant temperature, and coolant flow rate.
Moldflow analysis is also effective for predicting the orientation of both short and long glass fibers that are added to enhance certain characteristics; misaligned fibers can impact strength, flexibility, dimension, and other performance specifications for the product.
Advanced moldflow applications provide critical information regarding more complex processes, such as mold cooling, shrinkage, and warpage. Shrink is unavoidable in plastic and is typically a result of material structure (for example, semi-crystalline or amorphous), packing pressure, and wall thickness. Engineers must be able to accurately estimate shrinkage to properly size the mold. Warp is a result of shrink and can come from three sources: unbalanced mold cooling, fiber orientation, and non-uniform shrinkage. Warpage analysis can identify the causes of warpage and where warpage will occur before the mold is built, allowing engineers the opportunity to optimize design, material selection, and processing parameters to minimize deformation, before production starts. (Source: Scientific Molding by Kaysun)
For most projects, especially those with complex, high-tolerance parts that require precise dimensional stability, moldflow analysis is essential for designing the most efficient, highest-quality injection molding process for the product. This optimizes cycle times and tooling trials—thereby reducing risk, improving quality, and reducing overall production costs.


Automating Facilities Maintenance with Software
Whether you run an apartment building, multiple properties, a school, a hospital, manufacturing facility, or public space, your facilities demand regular maintenance. In addition, you’re likely accountable to senior managers who need to know that your response time is adequate, all contractual obligations are being met, and that disruptions are being kept to a minimum. Other areas of concern include costs associated with facilities maintenance as well as the satisfaction of tenants, employees, and other building occupants.
The more complex the assignment, the more important it becomes to have a system maintenance plan in place. Maintenance software can measure performance and automate common tasks – and much more. Moving from a paper-based system to maintenance software could be advantageous. Not only can a good program provide you with the tools you need to schedule work and forecast repairs, it can also provide you with detailed reports documenting work completed, labor and materials consumed on a month-to-date or year-to-date basis, turnaround times, and other key performance metrics.
While maintenance software comes with a myriad of features, you may find the following features extremely useful in terms of facilities maintenance:
  • Service Requests – Service requests come in from the people who use the facilities such as tenants, students, and office workers. Once a service comes in, use your maintenance software to schedule the work, track its status, and more.
  • Work Orders – Create work orders based on service requests and provide maintenance workers with a detailed plan describing exactly what must be done. Parts, materials, and labor can be tracked by the maintenance software as well.
  • Maintenance Dashboards – Dashboards provide an at-a-glance view of facilities maintenance tasks and metrics, allowing you to measure performance, respond to trends, and view real-time information such as costs or labor hours.
While maintenance software won’t automate the actual work to be performed, it can provide you with the tools needed to respond to service requests, track performance, and improve satisfaction. (Source: eMaint EAM)

The Most Efficient Conveyors for Handling Dry Bulk Solids

Transferring powders, pellets, and granulated solids is a challenge for a wide range of industries. Not surprisingly, a great deal of innovation has gone into solutions for this challenge. There are many ways manufacturers, farmers, miners, and others have found to move their products. Here we'll talk about three of the most versatile.
Cleated belt conveyors - These are a modified version of the simple conveyors you've seen used for many other purposes. But most belt conveyors wouldn't be well suited for handling dry bulk solids. The obvious reason is that narrow, flat, moving surfaces have a hard time keeping powders and granules in place long enough to transfer them any distance -- at least without a few modifications. To meet this challenge, innovators like Cambelt International have added flexible side walls to hold material on the belt. Cleats or nubs on the surface of the belt keep the powders or granules from caking or rolling around on the surface.
These belts can be enclosed to keep from exposure to the environment if needed. Cleated belt conveyors can handle incredibly high volumes of material and are versatile enough to carry a wide variety of particle sizes and levels of moisture. But they may require more space than other options.
Screw conveyors - These machines, also called auger conveyors use a narrow spiral ramp around an extended shaft to push material along a tube or trough. As the shaft spins, material is pushed along the forward curve similar to how a drill forces wood out of a shaft it is creating. These systems are ideal for moving dry powders and granules where space is limited because they are very compact. However, at high inclines volume can be limited because material tends to pack in the tube. This can also happen along horizontal paths where any moisture is introduced. Slightly wet materials can begin to cake along the spiral path.
Pneumatic conveyors - These systems use pressurized air to move powders from one place to another. Airtight tubes are connected to vacuums at the destination end of the system, blowers at the source end, or a combination. The fluidity of pneumatic conveyors allows for multiple starting and ending points using multiple blowers and vacuums respectively. These systems can be contoured to fit into existing infrastructure because the air doesn't need to follow a rigid path. But these machines are only well suited for powders and very light weight granules. Also, any amount of moisture can render the system inoperable.
These three configurations account for nearly all handling of dry bulk solids for energy, food, construction, and manufacturing industries. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, but all are very efficient at what they do.

4 Keys to Improving Employee Performance and Morale

Some managers think they can improve employee performance and morale by buying donuts occasionally or scolding employees like misbehaving teenagers. But these problems are usually much more deeply rooted in company policies, the social structure in the office, a company's system of rewards, etc. This places a great deal of the responsibility for poor morale on management, and no amount of donuts or scolding will fix it. Here are some general keys to begin changing your business from the roots up.
Leading out of the status quo
Talking about change is seldom enough to affect an enduring new direction. And the leaders of your company: owners, managers, and supervisors need to set the pace. Additional training and team building retreats are good ways to pivot to a new way of doing things. But it's up to leaders to maintain momentum after all the excitement for change wears off.
Positive feedback culture
Employees often suffer from poor morale because they don't feel appreciated and don't feel that they deserve appreciation. Simply offering encouraging statements is rarely effective as a motivational tool because people see them as patronizing. White River Academy is a boarding school for troubled teens. They have begun using a new approach to improving teens' self-concept by giving them opportunities to excel at something and then giving them due praise. This same approach works on struggling employees and is more cost effective than firing and retraining new people from scratch. Setting people up for success empowers your work force by giving them personal satisfaction for a job well done.
Setting new rules and expectations
There may be fundamental flaws in procedures or policies that lead to inefficiency. If this is the case then keep an open mind to changing these policies, even if they've been around forever. It may be worth hiring a consultant to identify where problems arise. But keep in mind that changing expectations doesn't necessarily mean rewriting your employee handbook. Often, break downs in the line of command and productivity occur because policies are inconsistently enforced. The statement, "The new plan is the old plan, we're just going to do it this time" is almost always a better solution than scrapping policies that haven't worked because they haven't been followed.
Give praise in their own language
Once people know what is expected of them, they'll do it if they know their employers recognize their hard work and creativity. Each person has his or her own ways they like to be appreciated. Some people relish public recognition; others are moved by a private pat on the back and a "well done". For some, you don't have to say anything; they measure appreciation in the level of trust you place in them. This puts the responsibility on the manager or supervisor to learn how each employee ticks and the best way to motivate them. Of course virtually everyone speaks the language of money. So you'll never go wrong rewarding loyalty and good work with a raise or a bonus.
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